How can i become true to myself?

 Here are points of how to be true to ourself - 


  1. Don't run from your past . Accept it and move on.
  2. Don't ruin your whole life to make every people happy and satisfy around you. They never satisfied what you done for them .
  3. Stop making excuses from yourself.
  4. Don't be a social sheep try to be a lonely lion .
  5. Never disrespect your parents infront of anyone . Make them proud everday .
  6. Try to be working ant . Find work, find new hobbies, figure out yourself.
  7. Exercise regularly . A healthy mind leads to healthy life.
  8. Don't be harsh to Street dogs /cats. They have emotions too.
  9. Learn from your past mistakes. And avoid to re happen them in future.
  10. Don't get too much involved in social media . Life is much more than it.
  11. Learn cooking . Don't depend upon your mother or wife

Happy reading 💕

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